Family Vs The World

The greatest battle we face today is that of the breakdown and destruction of the traditional family in today's society. There have been a lot of recent events that have taken a toll on the family and on this blog I will present the things I am currently learning in my class about family relations. I hope you ask the questions, "What is going on with the family in society?" "Where do I stand?" and "What can I do?" Feel free to comment on what you read here! Like it, hate it, share it, or debate it; all comments are welcome.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Dating, Marriage, and Cohabitation?

Well this week we talked a lot about dating and marriage. Ha, I just love going to an LDS University! Part of our assignment Monday was to create a plan for getting five dates after reading this article called, "Casual Dating is Alive and Well" I must say, I was impressed with this girl's method! It actually gave me a lot of confidence! It was a solution to my dilemma of should the guy ask the girl or can the girl ask the guy? So my plan this week was to 1) go to places where I could meet more guys because I honestly don't know hardly ANY guys here! Then 2) Was to look guys in the eyes and be confident with who I was! 3) engage in meaningful conversation 4) BE BRAVE!!! Ha that last step was extremely important. As I pondered my plan through out the week, I was really just trying to figure out what the heck I was going to do to fulfill this goal of finding 5 dates? On Wednesday, we talked about how dancing was just like speed dating. The lightbulb came on and I found myself at Country Dancing on Wednesday night. I went all by myself, and when I left my apartment, my roommates asked where I was going? I simply told them, "I am going to go find me a husband!" Okay first of all, it's not like what you're thinking! I promise I'm not one of those crazy girls that thinks I have to know if I am going to marry someone after the first date! But I simply meant that I had a goal, not one I was planning on fulfilling that night by any means. A very interesting thing happened psychologically that night. I was confident. I was happy. And I wasn't really afraid to be me. All because I had a goal, and a plan! Now I know you are all dying to know what happened... Well as a matter of fact, I met a really nice guy and he invited me to Latin dance. I went to Latin dance and met another guy whom I spoke with for over two hours and just had a blast getting to know someone! 

This brings me to the other thing that I found particularly interesting this week. It is called the Relationship Attachment Model (RAM). It is a theory that has changed my life and helped me understand so much about my love life! The theory goes like this... It is based on the following five things: Know, Trust, Rely, Commit, Touch. It says that the more we know, trust, rely, commit, and touch someone, the more attached we become to that person. Can anyone identify to this theory? I know I can! I finally understand my obsession of getting to know people! Think about when you were dating, or if you are single, think about your relationships you have with friends right now. I can almost guarantee that this theory is very evident in your own lives as well! 

Okay last thing I wanted to talk about is cohabitation. It was thought by social scientist 50 years ago that cohabiting was the most logical solution to decrease the number of divorces. What they found over the years was astonishing. Cohabiting actually increase the occurrences of divorces! How is that possible? Why is that? Logically thinking wouldn't it seem economical to live together? We could combine resources? We would also be able to observe the other person on a day-to-day basis. Would that not be helpful? Also, if we just live together then, when we decide that we don't want to be together, we won't have to pay for a divorce. So technically, cohabiting just makes sense right? WRONG! (Silly Satan things he can fool us...ha!) I will show you a graphic that will help me explain why that is NOT the case. 

Okay so lets say you start dating someone exclusively... you decide that you want to spend the rest of your life with that person, then you get engaged. While engaged, things start become less and less "your's" and "mine" and a lot more of "our" things. Then when you get married, you lay it all out on the table and what's your's is his and what's his is yours. 
Now let's look at cohabiting. So you start dating someone exclusively. And you love each other so you decide to move in. But you still have separate bills. It's still his dog, her car, my cell phone, his tv, etc. Then you decide that you might as well get married so you can feel that commitment (increasing your RAM). But after you get married, not much has changed... there is still a lot of "his" or "hers" and not very much "our." 

I think the most interesting thing, were the trends found when looking that the lives of those who tended to cohabit. Some of the factors were that they were younger, less religious, lower-income classes, their parents tended to have a divorce and lastly, (which I found the MOST interesting) is that the education of their mothers. The trend is that those whose mothers were less educated, tend to cohabit with their partner before marriage. Yet another reason why education is so important. I hope this blog is helping you understand more about why the principles taught in the church are so powerful and meaningful and simple put : TRUTH. The general authorities are NOT making up these statistics my friends. But thank goodness we can take peace in the gospel, and to know what is the Lords will, through his servants, the prophets. May the Lord bless you this week and may you share this knowledge with all you know, that they may also find peace in their family lives. 

Until next time ;)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Gender Roles

Wow, another week of highly valuable information stuffed in my brain all jumbled up and now it's time to make sense of it and pass on the "better part."  I think the hardest part is trying to decide what will be the most valuable to share with you! As the title suggests, we discussed a lot about the different roles men and women play. First let me ask a question, besides body parts, are men and women really that different? Are there really specific roles that men are better at than women? Or women better than men? Once again the Family: A Proclamation to the World, states that, "Gender is an essential characteristic of individual pre-mortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose." One cannot, however conclude that one gender is superior or inferior to one or the other. The Lord clarifies the roles of each gender when he says, "By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners" (emphasis added). Here we learn the general roles of fathers and mothers individually. Though mothers may be "primarily" responsible for the nurturing of their children, fathers and mothers each play an essential role in showing love to their children. Now a note on the word "equal." Something I realized this week was that the words "same" and "equal" do NOT mean the same thing. I understand that there are many feminine thinkers out there and think that women are some how under minded by men because they won't "allow" them to do the same jobs that men do. The fact of the matter folks, is that men and women are different. They should be treated equal but not the same. We need each other to achieve the greatest satisfaction in this life. Men and women were built to compliment each other not to compete against one another. Just like how we are all blessed with different talents and abilities, we are born with different spirits. And thank goodness! If we all acted like just men or just women, how boring would life be?

This brings me to another highly debated topic in today's society. That of same gender attraction. First, I wanted to define a few different terms. Same gender attraction refers to people who may find someone of their same gender sexually attractive. Homosexuality is acting on those thoughts, or sexualizing someone of their same gender either in thoughts or actions. Now the term "gay" or "lesbian" drive me nuts. There are so many presumptions that come when we call someone gay or lesbian. My teacher made a very good point in class to illustrate this frustration I have with these terms. If you think about it, if you were called gay because you don't like sports or you may have a more "feminine" side, does that mean you really are a homosexual? I have seen so many people be told that they were gay and then they turn out that way. Makes me wonder, "If people never used these terms, would the world be a different place? Would there be as many people who chose this lifestyle?" There was something that I want to make clear about people who choose this lifestyle. Many times it is a result of being sexually abuse at some point in their life. 75% of men who identify themselves as homosexual, said they "found out" they were that way when they were sexually molested.  (Most of the research that we did in this class had to deal with homosexual men so that is why I am just referring to them at present.) In fact, most of the men that are homosexuals say that when they were younger, they felt that they never quite fit in with the other boys because they would rather play house with the girls or focused more on the relationships with people. They didn't feel accepted by their own gender and many times that's when the taunting and teasing begins. Around age 10 or 11 boys start to notice girls and the boys that grew up playing with the girls don't understand what the big deal is? They're just girls? Well those boys who already have a good relationship with girls, then sought the approval of his male peers and never seems to get it. It is often the most detrimental to not receive the approval of their father. The relationship between father and son is so important! I cannot stress that enough! Fathers, please please please be involved not just with your sons, but ALL of your children.

Once again, basically the best thing that we can do for our children, is first love our spouses. If we can accomplish that, we will be more equipped to help and love our children the way they deserve. That's all folks. Until next time!


Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Secret to a Happy Family

This week we were asked the question,"Are all cultures equally valid?" The first thing we had to do was define a few terms. The first of which was, "culture." Take a minute and think about how you would define culture? Is is more than just where you live? How does culture influence you individually? As a family? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary it is defined as, "the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time" Therefore if we apply this to the family, culture is much more than what one family does; its what they think and believe as well. The next term we had to define was "valid." This one seemed to be more difficult that culture! Again, if we turn to Webster, it says,  " fair or reasonable; acceptable according to the law." This brought in another interesting aspect of validity... the Law... Well, where does the law come from? Who establishes the law? Isn't it all a matter of opinion? We established that there are two difference sets of laws: those of man and those of God. 

This is when going to a church university starts to becomes very personal and beneficial. We then discussed what God's law was, and if that law was applicable to everyone or just members of our faith? We talked a lot about The Family: A Proclamation to the World (for complete document see left margin). Since we were discussing the validity of family cultures, we thought it would be helpful to figure out what the purpose of the family really was. According to the Latter-Day Saint beliefs, we believe that the purposes of the family are 1) Protecting and raising children, 2) to help us to return back to Heavenly Father's (God's) presence, 3) Teach correct principles, 4) to be unified in this world to help bare one another's burdens. It was meant that families would be our support systems, our "go to" people, and just our comrades in this crazy world we call life. We also believe the following about families: 

"THE FAMILY is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners. Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation. Extended families should lend support when needed."

Although we, as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, do not discriminate against those who choose to live other life styles, we will defend what we know to be right and true. Elder Dallin H. Oaks, an apostle of the Lord teaches us more on the topic of tolerance. He says, "Tolerance is defined as a friendly and fair attitude toward unfamiliar opinions and practices or toward the persons who hold or practice them." This does not mean that we embrace those cultures, but do/should try to do our best to be respectful to those who choose to live such lifestyles. Now, many may say that it is just our opinion about what we believe about God and his law. But these theories have been confirmed over and over again that are consistent to what the Lord has revealed to us today. I know that if we follow those laws that the Lord has set forth, we will have a much greater chance of having a happy family! 

Some may think that it is wrong or harsh or discrimination to go around telling people that this is the correct way of doing things. But, the way I see it is, I've experienced a lot of these things in my own personal life and has seen them work in the lives of others. I have seen the blessings of families who live in accordance with the Laws the Lord has put before us. Science has shown over and over again just how meaningful and accurate those Laws are. I tell you these things not because I feel that my religion is better than your's, or that my way is more superior, but that I know how much happiness it can bring and I feel a great need to tell the world of this so called secret to a happy family life. I hope those of you who also have this knowledge will find the courage and seek out the opportunities to share the knowledge that you have, so that other families can be blessed with the same happiness you have felt in your own families. 

Good luck! And until next time ;)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Why do families work the way they do?

This past week we have talked a great deal about several different theories. I will never forget how Brother Williams taught these theories to us! I felt like a little kid! It was awesome! He had us put our hands in the air and mimic everything he did. Wow! I felt kinda dumb doing it at first, but now I am so grateful for it! By the end of this post, you might begin to recognize the presence of some of these theories in your own families! If you do, I would love to hear about it!

When I explain these theories, I will be applying them to the family unit specifically. These theories can be used for other groups but since my main focus is the family, that what I will be relating it to. The first theory we talked about was called the Family Systems theory. I like to think of this theory as like a complex machine with many different parts; the machine representing the family unit and the parts representing each member within that family. When one of the parts malfunctions, the whole machine can be affected. I have seen this with many families that I have been able to be around. What each person does in the family affects the family unit as a whole. Sound familiar to anyone? Ever had a child act out and then suddenly the whole family seems to be on edge? I most certainly have. Things to watch out for with this kind of family system is that coalitions often form and many times, unhealthy patterns will be passed down through generations. And what appears to be an individual's problem may be a problem arising out the family system.

The next theory often quotes, "You owe me one." It is called the exchange theory. Can you guess what this theory is about? That's right. Basically its the cost vs benefit theory. When this theory was first presented, I thought it was such a selfish theory. I thought, "Who would ever voluntarily being such a family system? I would hate having the feeling that I am keeping score against my family members." Now for those who know me pretty well, know that I am a fairly competitive person. I like to win. It's in my blood. But when it comes to relationships, I fully believe there are healthier ways to go about things. Life, especially within a family, should not be a competition. So after all that running through my head, I went to class, only to find that I did do this; not exactly the way I thought though. See, I love to give! Whether it be my time, a love note/letter, a gift, a hug, anything I can really, I just love to give. But what didn't realize before is that I would do those things because I loved that person and I wanted either 1) approval or 2) love in return from that person. I learned that with this system, that "give" is not always equivalent in the "take" when it comes to a dollar amount or the same action being reciprocated. Rather, each of us love and receive love differently and this theory is all about living in a balance.

The next one I found absolutely fascinating! It is called the Symbolic Interaction theory. In this theory we find that everything we do has a meaning. For example, the tone of your mothers voice when she said your name because she was proud of you, verses the tone of her voice when you forgot to pick up your little sister from basketball. :S Yeah big difference right? Well have you ever been in those situations where someone just did something and they didn't ask you first, and you didn't want them to whatever it was they did? What did you think about that person after? Well what if that person did it because they thought that you needed something else. They were thinking they did it to show love and you were thinking they did it because they didn't think you were capable of getting it done. There in-lies the problem. That phrase "actions speak louder than words" brings in so much conflict into relationships. Thus it is so important to speak with that person and understand why they did what they did. Were they really trying to sabotage your plans? Or were they thinking about your safety and well being? Next time someone does something that ruffles your feathers, I would invite you to investigate more into their reasoning before you get your panties in a wad.

The last one is called the Conflict theory. Bare with me, this one I am still trying to wrap around my brain, and its just not sticking the way I need it to just yet. But I think we can all agree that each of us are our own persons. We have our own wants, needs, and interests that need to be satisfied but there are limited sources out there. So the question with theory is that since we all have different interests, how will we distribute the resources we do have. Resources things other than just money such as time. This also deals with power struggle. Now since I am one to withdraw from conflict, I have a harder time relating to this theory and coming up with a good example. Sorry folks.

So now you are probably asking yourself, "Why did you just waste 10 min of my life to read this?" Well, my theory is that if you can recognize just one unhealthy pattern that is happening in your family, you can be more consciously aware of that and be able to find a way to change that. I know I won't be able to change the world, but helping families is a great alternative. Happy Changing!  bis nächste Woche!